The “Parrots” of Christianity

Have you ever really looked at a parrot? A parrot is a bird, that has been domesticated! Parrots are conditioned to live in cages and depend on others for food. They are beautiful birds and are friendly, yet they will bite when things don’t go their way. They are conditioned to be content within the confines of their cages, to eat, drink, roost, play, and a couple of other things that we won’t mention. They live their total lives confined to a cage and dependant on others, who have taken them out of their natural element and domesticated them, to have them as pets, for companionship, as well as entertainment! Think about it carefully!

What else is it that parrots do? They talk! They can be trained to say words and make sounds on command, and sometimes when they shouldn’t. That’s the part we want to focus on with this message! We want to see the reason that most “Christians” today are simply parrots!

When a parrot is taught to “speak”, the owner or trainer says repeatedly over and over what he wants to train the bird to say. The trainer will give the bird a reward if the bird repeats what he hears. The bird learns the more he repeats what is being heard the more reward he gets. The words being said by the parrot have no meaning or value to the parrot. The words are only an opportunity to gain something for the parrot himself! The words do not change the parrot, nor do they release him from the confines of his cage to be free! He remains dependent on others, the protection of the cage, and becomes only “entertainment” for those that pass by him!

Think about what has just been said about the parrot. It’s easy to see that so many “Christians” today are only parrots! They have been subjected to the confines of a church to be taught and to hear over and over what someone else wants them to say. The words have no meaning or value to them, it’s only a means of them getting some reward in the “here after” and they will say them and repeat them over and over whether on command or not as an opportunity for the “reward”! They have no understanding or meaning for the words that they repeat… and will repeat them to anyone that crosses their paths, whether the person wants to hear them or not. Just like a parrot!

The parrot sees a person passing by his cage as a chance for another “reward” and so he repeats what he has heard over and over, and continues to until he gets his reward! “Christians” do the same thing!

They are not concerned that the person passing them might not want to hear what they have to say. They don’t consider that the person does not want to hear anything where there is no understanding or explanation, other than to say it was “what has been taught, and what they have heard”! It’s only a means for “reward” to the parrots of Christianity. They see every person crossing their path as a chance for a “reward” and parrot rehearsed words without ever a thought to the person passing by or the lack of understanding of the words that they “parrot”.

Yet when the person they “chirp” their repetitive words to, asks a question or wants more of an understanding or explanation from them, all that is offered is “that’s what my “pastor, preacher, teacher” or “the bible” says. It is all repetitive words that have no meaning or understanding. They are repetitive words said for “reward”! This is so evident to people hearing what “Christians” are saying today, that it has become “entertainment”!

People are “entertained” when a “Christian” says something they cannot explain, don’t understand themselves, yet is so determined to get said. It’s “entertaining” to see an adult with a mind of their own, with the ability to learn and know something, be able to offer nothing more in the way of an explanation than, “that is what so in so said” or “that’s what so in so taught”or “that’s what the bible says”!

The church continues dictating that people are to “evangelize”! They are to go out into all nations and repeat the words that are said in the bible, or that the pastor, preacher or evangelist, has taught them. The church tells of the rewards that are given by God for “converts” and so they parrot on! They “parrot” repetitive words, and are confronted by people looking for something real and that are not interested in hearing “rehearsed” words coming from someone who has no personal experience with the subject. People do not simply want to hear “that’s what we were taught” or what “Pastor” or “Evangelist” “taught”, or even “that’s what the bible says”! People want to hear what God has spoken to you, and shared with you! What you are confident about, that you “know” and can given an explanation for that is logical and rational! It’s time to see this, and stop being a parrot!

It is time for the cages of confinement caused by the doctrines of men, to be opened and the parrots to be set free! It’s time for people to be more than a parrot! More than a person that just repeats what someone else has told them and expect a reward from it! It is the book of Isaiah that states the Messiah would set the captives free “without price or reward”.

It is time for “Christians”, to put an end to the “parrot” mentality and hear from GOD directly and personally. If you’re not hearing from God directly, then no one else wants to hear what someone else has told you! Repeating what someone else has told you is “gossip”! To be a witness, you must have heard it yourself… or seen it for yourself! Think!! Jesus Christ, Himself taught that His followers were not to use vain repetitions. They were not to use rehearsed words. He called people hypocrites which did such things, and thought in doing so that God would hear them for their “much speaking”! It is the commandment of Jesus Christ to stop doing such things! Jesus also said, “if you love me, keep my commandments”.

Do you know what makes a parrot bite? It is simple… when they “speak” and you don’t reward then or ignore them so they can not “earn” their “reward”. The same is true with “Christians”… if you don’t want to listen to them, or simply don’t accept what they say and ignore it… they will bite also! Then they say YOU are the problem, and are keeping them from their reward. They can become quiet vicious! Yet when you listen to them, and see that they don’t have any understanding of what they are saying, and that it’s only for a “reward” that someone has told them they will get, you have to wonder why would you want to hear it anyway! When you have read the bible and seen clearly where Jesus the one they are wanting so often to tell you about, clearly stated that His followers would not do such things, and yet the ones standing before you are doing just that.. why would anyone want to hear about someone or believe in someone that His own followers do not believe in enough to follow themselves? It’s a total mockery of all that Jesus Christ taught, and commanded that His followers were to do!

It is time to HEAR GOD! It’s time to stop the “parroting” of repetitive words, and to encourage people to HEAR GOD! If you’ve not heard directly from the lips of God, then there is nothing to “speak” in the first place! We are here to do the will of God, and you must HEAR HIM first to be able to do HIS WILL. If you’re only doing what someone else has told you, and taught you, and you’re doing it for some reward…. Just go back to your “cage” and keep your “beak” shut!

People today want to hear GOD and know GOD! Not a parrot! So look at yourself! Does your feet have the “perch” look? Are you confined in a “cage”? Are you saying words to those that pass you by that you don’t understand? Are you dependent on what someone else has taught you to say and do? Then you’re a “parrot”! People aren’t looking for the entertainment of parrots, they want to hear the echo that only the voice of God brings! They know the difference! Hear God, be as Christ gave us the example of himself. He said, “I say only what my Father gives me to say”..”do not use vain repetitions” … isn’t that the “Christian” way!! If Jesus truly is the way, then isn’t it the mandate of Jesus Himself that His followers must keep His commandments…. or they simply are the ones that do not love him?

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