America’s Issues and Christianity

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 1103-01
November 4, 2003

America’s Issues & Christianity!

Many things are happening this week! We have the partial birth abortion ban bill being signed into law by the President, (as if it could not have been done three years ago when the President took office). However, it is being signed into law this week, right before the elections, wonder why now? It was a means for the President to “make merchandise” of men by giving the “Religious Right” one item on their agenda, that would help to solidify their support of the President and the Republican Party.

We heard the President make a statement about the “neglect” to the African-American population, a day or so before the elections, again an attempt to gain votes, and sway Democrats to consider voting Republican. Does the Administration think we are not able to see through these tactics?

The Supreme Court declines to hear the case of “Roy’s Rock”, but has agreed to hear the case of “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. (For those of you that would like more on that topic, visit “Under God??”) So where does all this bring us? It’s clear, the government and the “religious” organizations of this nation, for “votes” are taking advantage of people to meet their agendas. It’s a continued attempt to merge church and state, for the benefit of a few at the cost of the masses. It is an attempt to keep the separation of church and state from moving forward. It is a defiance of the Constitution and should be able to be seen by all. It’s manipulation in the truest form and it’s hard to ignore, especially from the government and people of a nation claiming to be “Christian”! Wasn’t it Jesus Christ himself that referred to those that would “say what your itching ears want to hear”? How can a “Christian” nation be part of this?

We have “religious freedom” which is granted by the Constitution of this nation to all men equally. It gives all people the freedom to choose our “religion” or the lack thereof without any discrimination. It is not the “right” to dictate that all men be religious, or believe the same way that we do, or for that matter even believe. This is not a dictatorship, even though some in our “religious communities” and legislature try to make it that way, while claiming to be a “Christian” nation. What mockery!

As for the war on “terror”, the “terrorist” are not the people across the oceans from us, nor are they those that are other nationalities or religions. The “terrorist” are the “religious” groups, churches, and leaders in America that want to dictate to everyone who, what, how, and when, we are to express our religious convictions and mandate that all be “religious”. Their god is not the God that has allowed America to be a land of “religious freedom” in spite of their claims that the “founding fathers” were”Christian” and therefore this nation is a “christian” nation. It only takes a brief read into history to see that America and those that founded this land were not following the teachings of Christ themselves, nor did they ever intend to dictate that all that came to this land, were brought to this land, or that were born here would have any “religious” dictates placed on them in being here. They brought here their traditions and their teachings, and modified them based on their understanding and founded this nation based on that. There is no where in the history of America that mandates that to be an American, or to live in America that you must be “christian”. If that were so, how would we differ as a nation from those in other countries that dictate their citizens be of one “religion” or be outcasts, and killed? Isn’t that exactly where America is heading? Isn’t it going on right now in America?

Look around you! Isn’t it the ones that are claiming to be “christian” that are speaking against those that are not “christian”, making outcasts of those that don’t believe as they do, that won’t attend “services” as they do, that will not dress according to their dictates, nor behave and function in the community as they would have them? Sure they are… and it’s happening in every “religious organization” in America.. as well in other countries where these same “religious” organizations are allowed to infiltrate and bring this same dictate. Should the “religious organizations” have the freedom to believe, dress, behave, and function in the community as they see fit? Absolutely! However, they do not have, nor should they ever be allowed to dictate, how another person is to believe or make outcasts of those that will not or do not believe as they do. After all, who is it that says that the “christian” is the only person that is “right”? Isn’t God the only All Knowing being? Isn’t God the one that knows the heart of every man? Isn’t it God that is the judge of us all? Why don’t those that claim to believe in God, know God, or understand who the God is, believe what they claim? It’s simple to see they don’t!

What is the solution you might ask? Simple… it’s is understanding that as an American you are given “religious” freedom, but that extends no further than yourself. It’s not a freedom to dictate to anyone else, nor reject anyone else that is not of the same “religious” affiliations as you are. It’s time for us to know our God, and accept that He created all men in HIS image and after HIS likeness… and it’s only GOD that can make Himself known in the hearts of men. It is time to leave God’s creation to God! It is time to see all of God’s creation as just that… God’s creation! To embrace the beauty of God in each and everyone, and to welcome our differences, while not grouping or categorizing others based on what they “believe” but on what YOU BELIEVE!

If you’re going to claim to believe that GOD created all things, and is in control of all things, how can you do anything more than see others as YOU BELIEVE… even if they don’t. Be assured of this…. it doesn’t matter to God who does or who does not believe….. nor does it change who He is.. or what He is.. or what control and power that He has… and it never will, or He is no God at all! Think about it! It’s time to let God be God!


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