Christianity Does Not Exist!

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 01-06
January 31, 2006

Christianity Does not Exist!

Some of you upon reading this title are offended by the mere statement that Christianity does not exist without considering the totality of the message here. If you are one of those that is offended and rejects what I am about to share here with you, then so be it. God himself has said and clearly made known that those that are called by Him name are the ones that reject His words and His instruction, and that prophets and messengers sent of God for centuries were rejected not by unbelievers.. or those that did not know God, or the power of God, but by those that He had chosen, and demonstrated His power to, yet turned away to make for themselves other gods.

Well enough of that… I’ll leave that to another topic all together, and simply share with you the message that Christianity does not exist and why. It begins with a foundational look at the word Christianity and where it comes from. It is common knowledge that Christianity originally meant a group or community of Christians. Christians, meaning the adherents, followers, or disciples of Christ. Christian was not the name that a disciple called himself… but it was a name that others who did not believe called him in mockery for following the teachings, and going about to teach others to observe what Christ taught, after Christ was crucified publicly as a criminal. It was the name given to men that were not taught who Christ was by flesh and blood. They did not come to know Christ, by any other means than what they seen Him living and seen Him doing, and by what God said about Him! These men were disciplined by the teachings of Christ, and knew and believed who He was to the degree that even after His death, as a criminal they continued to do as He taught them, and to speak of Him, and using the power that He gave them throughout the towns where God sent them. Those were Christians… those were the ones that were called Christians by others… those that knew who Christ was not from the teachings of flesh and blood, not from hearing someone else tell them about Him.. or telling them what they should do to honor him, but those that heard His voice.. and hearkened not unto another. Those were Christians…. Those men were the ones that did what Christ said, taught others to observe what Christ commanded them to do, the ones that were given the power to heal, cast out demons, take up serpents and not be harmed, and the signs that they believe followed them. They didn’t have to go around wearing pins on their labels, adorning their donkey’s with “fish” symbols, or carrying bibles.. telling the world they believe in Christ.. the signs followed them.. and there is no record of any of them ever calling themselves Christian, much less running around asking everyone they met if they are Christian. That was what a Christian was recognized and defined as being not by Christians… but by the world!

The early Christians were not considered part of “Christianity”… they were considered to be followers of “The Way”. That was what Jesus had referred to himself as… the WAY.. and those that seen the followers of Christ referred to them as followers of “The Way”. It wasn’t until much later that the word Christianity began to be used, and the meaning of Christian changed no longer representing the followers or those disciplined by the teachings of Christ, but simply a person who professes to believe in Christ, but has no signs following them giving evidence that they believe. The word Christianity, as well as the religion of “Christianity” no longer exists because it’s foundational element no longer exists. No longer do we have men and women so chosen of God in Christ, disciplined by the teachings of Christ, who have left all that they have to come follow and be disciplined, nor do they have the power that were given to those that were chosen of God in Christ, disciplined and sent out by Christ. There is no longer anyone that follows the teachings of Christ, nor goes about to teach others to observe what Christ commanded that His followers do. No one that is but those that Christianity mocks and persecutes and calls heretics. Christianity does not exist because it’s foundational element does not exist. There are no Christians… so therefore Christianity does not exist.

As men and women found the WAY to be to difficult, even though some would attempt to follow it, having not been chosen of God or empowered by God to do such, they would fail. They could not do as Jesus had commanded, and found the Way to hard, and turned away from the teachings of Christ not to walk with Christ again, that continues to this very day. However, instead of mankind finding another word to define those that have turned from the teachings of Christ, and are not called as followers of Christ, the name Christian has been changed to reflect a person that believes Jesus existed and has professed Him to be Lord of their Lives without any understanding at all of what it means to have a Lord over one’s life. The word has changed, and so has the true meaning ceased to exist… and as it has ceased to exist, so has Christianity along with it. Christianity today is nothing short of the Anti Christ… for Christianity today in all its varying forms… and all it’s many named denominations has done nothing more than been allowed by God to be the beguiling serpents God himself placed in the garden where God placed mankind .. the testing ground of those that were called out by God, hear the voice of God, who would hearken to the voice of another.. follow in the image and likeness of Adam whose heard the voice of God, walked with God, and yet turned to do what another voice told him to do knowing full well what God had said. Not only does Christianity teach us to listen to everyone and anyone called by the “name of God”.. it teaches us to observe everything EXCEPT what Jesus commanded His followers. That is Anti Christ, any way you look at it! Christianity does not exist, because there are no more Christians to be found in the world today. What we find in the world today.. which was also in the world in Christ’s time are the Anti Christ. Those that God said would reject His Son, as they did the prophets that were sent to them to go off and do things their own ways! That would lead astray the people of God to worship other gods, to build up temples that God did not command to be built, and who would teach God’s people to reject Jesus Christ, the sent of God as if He never existed while calling themselves by His name.

There is a warning of God that is going out today. It is the same warning that was given in the days of the prophets, as well as in the day of Jesus to the “lost sheep of Israel”. Israel and Judah all through the bible represent those “chosen of God”.. and the lost sheep are those that knew God, heard His voice and turned away from Him.. but the message and warning is the same… “turn from your wicked ways, hear me and obey what I have commanded ye”. The only difference in the message delivered by the prophets that were killed by the stiff-necked rebellious chosen of God, then and what is going on right now is this…. “how much sorer punishment is deserving of those that trample underfoot the Son of the Living God, who have taken the name of Christ in vain, who have worshiped with their lips but had their hearts far from Him, who have not heard His voice, not followed His instructions, and have led others to do the same?

Christianity does not exist…. for there cannot exist Christianity with Christians.. and there cannot be Christians without having men and women chosen to follow the teachings of God in Christ.. being disciplined by the commands Christ gave to His followers… followers of Christ… and called by that name by those that do not follow… yet see the evidence in the lives of those that do!

These are the signs that shall follow those that believe…….


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One Response to Christianity Does Not Exist!

  1. Elenice says:

    it was a great experience to read such kind of great work i really enjoyed while reading this article.