“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 104-3
January 13, 2004


This week brings us several things that should be considered. First of all, a statement was made this week on television by a well-known pastor that if everyone in America would attend a church on Sunday, that there would only be enough room to seat three percent of the population of the United States. When did seating people in a building become the focus of the church? Where in the bible did Jesus instruct the disciples to makes sure they were prepared to seat people who came to them, or where God directed them to go to spread the gospel? I do not recall Jesus having a place built to seat the multitude that came to hear Him nor do I recall a fellowship hall being erected that would accommodate the feeding of the multitude either! Quite to the contrary… Jesus taught and ministered and fed the multitudes in the open hill sides and along the sides of the streets in the towns, and in the market places! So why is it that those that profess to follow His teachings and claim that Jesus’ life is our example to follow are doing everything other than what Jesus did!

We see the WWJD on church signs, clothing, and just about anything you can think of, asking what would Jesus do.. but shouldn’t those professing to be Christian be looking to WDJD… what did Jesus do?? Is He the example that God sent, the WAY or not?

Seems that as so many other words in our English vocabulary have taken on different meanings or been changed, likewise the word “christian” has also. It no longer means a person that follows the teachings and ensample of Jesus Christ, but has come to mean “they that believe the teachings and doctrines anyone other than Jesus Christ”. To be a “christian” by most people’s understanding has nothing at all with following the teaching of Christ, or His example!!

I ask you.. have you ever thought about it?? Have you ever asked why it is that if God is the inspiration behind the Bible, and the King James Version of the bible is the most accurate by translation, why is it that the words of Jesus Christ are the only ones in RED!! Why aren’t the words that God spoke directly in RED?? Could it be because the words of CHRIST are the ones that are to STAND out in the lives of those professing to be CHRISTIAN? How is it that with the words and instructions of Christ standing out on the pages of the bibles in RED that still no one follows or goes by the WAY that so many claim that Jesus is?? Have you ever thought about it?? Have you ever taken the time to simply read what’s written in RED in the bible? If the bible is the word of God, and the Red is the actual teachings of CHRIST.. shouldn’t that be the focus of all “Christians”?

Like this… Jesus taught His disciples that they would be persecuted, and even killed when going out to spread the gospel, yet those that claim to be Christians today think it’s a horrific thing that Christians are killed or persecuted … when isn’t that what Jesus said? Then Jesus’ taught that if you’re eye causes you to sin, pluck it out, and if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off… Right? Well with Christians claiming to be sinners today some 2003 years after Jesus did what He did… shouldn’t there be some with plucked out eyes, and missing hands… and much worse? Then we see those that came to the disciples selling all their possessions and giving the money to be distributed so that “none would suffer lack”… yet that sure isn’t what’s going on in the church today, nor among those that are calling themselves Christian.

It is very clear to see that the very meaning of the word “Christian” no longer means a follower of Christ and His ensample! The sad part of it all is that it’s those that claim to be “Christian”, those that are filling the seats in the “Houses of God”, and professing Jesus Christ is the “ONLY WAY”, that are not following what He said, nor the way that He lived at all? Do we now need to don our sackcloth, sandals and walk the streets of Jerusalem? Absolutely not! Even Jesus Himself didn’t instruct that, but He did make it clear what those that came to follow Him were to do! Wonder why we see so many that still aren’t??

Have a wonderful week, and remember in all things, HEAR HIM!! ASK HIM!! KNOW HIM!!

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