Talk to God!

Talk To God!

It is time for all mankind to fellowship with God! To talk to Him, listen to Him and get to know Him! The only way you can get to know someone… is to spend time with them! You don’t get to know someone by reading a book about them, or listening to other people tell you about them, you get to know them by spending time with them, asking them questions, allowing them to answer, and sharing with them what’s on your mind… Spending time with them! God is no different! God created mankind for fellowship with Him! We are not mere servants, but are Children of God!

Men have tried to teach us that being in sin separates us from God… but the bible clearly gives us repeated accounts to the contrary. Adam and Eve “sinned” and were cast out of the Garden, however, it is recorded that God spoke to Eve and gave her another son to replace Abel. Cain (Adam and Eve’s son) killed Abel and was not accepted of God, yet God spoke to him, and even protected him so that no one else would kill him. The list goes on… Moses killed an Egyptian, yet God spoke to him and used him in a mighty way, David committed adultery, killed a man to steal his wife, yet God declared him to be a man after God’s own heart. All of these accounts were before Jesus came and took away the sin of the world! Yet God still talked to His creation!

So why aren’t you talking to God.. and getting to know Him? Have you likewise believed the words of men and the teachings of men instead of the very words of God Himself? Have you not realized unto now that you can? Have you heard one of the following and believed it? Well read on and start talking to God today! Right now!

God cannot look on sin or will not hear me when I am in sin?
As mentioned above, God does talk to people in their sin… (sin being what we think is sin)… and God does hear you when you talk to Him even though you think you are in sin. How? Simple… God knows that He sent HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to cover all sin… so that HE could have fellowship with HIS OWN. For many years God talked to HIS CREATION.. recorded evidence of it is everywhere in the bible.. yet, when they continued in their rebellion and instead of listening to HIM, turned from HIM, they began to feel that God wasn’t hearing them.. and then went on to tell others that God didn’t hear you when you were in Sin. The truth of the matter was, then and now, that God is always talking… it is only when we refuse to hear him, or get so many distractions in our lives.. and so many other voices are being heard that we cannot HEAR GOD! When we cannot HEAR HIM, we think HE is not talking! Which is wrong! Let me share with you this, which will help you to see what has happened along the way with mankind.

You are at home, you are listening to the television, you have a radio on in the next room, you have family coming in and out of the house, and you are trying to fix dinner. The phone rings… you hear the ringing and you go to answer the phone. You say hello… hello… and you don’t hear anything… the noise in the room with you.. the television, radio, family, and sounds of your own efforts are so loud that you can’t hear what the person on the phone is saying! Is that person talking?… YES! .. it is the distractions… and other “voices” that are around you that prevent you from hearing what is being said to you. What happens? Usually one of two things. One, you say.. “Hold on please”… and you go turn down the television , radio, ask the family to be quiet, and stop rattling the pots and pans, then pick back up the phone and say, “I’m sorry. There was so much going on around me that I couldn’t hear what you were saying”. Then you continue with your conversation! Or, secondly, you say.. “hello… hello”.. and when you still can’t hear… you say, “oh well, no one was talking, and you hang up the phone, never to hear what the person had to say to you. Then you immediately think that they didn’t want to talk to you! How wrong! They did, or they would not have dialed the phone and waited for you to answer it! It was you that didn’t won’t to listen enough to put aside the other distractions and voices to hear that still small voice, coming through to you! Think about it! God wants to talk to HIS CREATION.. He has sent HIS SON and the HOLY SPIRIT to dial your number……

You will not be able to recognize the voice of God! Or How will I know that it is God talking to me?
Some people don’t talk to God because they are not sure that they will recognize HIS VOICE and are taught that only certain people can hear God’s voice and recognize it. Again, very far from the truth. The bible shows us many places where God talked to people, many people, children, women, & men, without exception! How did they recognize this voice? Simple, the same way you would recognize any voice. How is that? You get to know the voice! By hearing it and listening to it. Think about it like this…

Your phone rings, you pick up the phone, and answer it. The person on the other end says, “hello, how are you today, I want to share something with you”! You don’t recognize the voice. What do you do? Simple, you say.. Who is this? They tell you who they are. You continue to listen and talk and you get familiar with hearing the voice. You respond to what the voice is saying to you. Then you hang up.

A few minutes later, the phone rings again, you pick it up, and the same person is on the line. You remember the sound of the voice, but you still aren’t quiet sure who it is, so you say, “Is this you?” And they confirm. The conversation continues, and you hang up. This happens, several times, then, after you have heard the voice and learned what it sounds like, you EASILY RECOGNIZE it, and you will not mistake another voice for it again! Wonderful isn’t it.. and yet so simple.. something that we do everyday… with everyone except God!

Men and the teachings of men, have made having a relationship with God and being in fellowship with Him so difficult! So many rules to follow, so many things to remember, but God is our Father… and the way you got to know your earthly father was the same you get to know GOD.. by spending time with HIM.. listening to what He tells you to do.. watching what He does.. and learning from it.. and doing what He tells you to do out of love for Him. It’s a beautiful relationship and one that far exceeds any relationship or fellowship you have ever had… so enjoy it!

I can’t talk to God about this? It is to bad, or embarrassing! or He will not Understand!
Again, so many people have used so many excuses based on what they have been taught about God that they believe that there are things that you have done, or said that you can’t talk to God about. Have you forgotten that He created you.. and is the all-knowing being? He knows all about you… and sees all that you do… and yet still wants to talk to you and have fellowship with you. Why? Simple! He wants you to have someone you can be completely honest with.. who will not hold grudges, who will not make you feel worse, who will help you see WHO HE REALLY IS and WHO YOU ARE IN HIM. To help you see that He knows you better than you know yourself.

God sees beyond what others see… God sees your heart… people see your actions. People see what you do.. and how you respond to things.. and what your reaction is to things… however God sees the heart.. knows the heart.. and understands that your actions are just the manifestation of what is in your heart. When there is pain … you react by causing pain.. when there is joy in there.. you react bases on joy.. and so when you talk to God you give HIM the opportunity to help you understand why you are doing some of the things that you do. It’s so simple… God wants you to know about you.. for you are HIM.. created in HIS IMAGE.. and what you are feeling and thinking is probably not a lot different that what He has felt or thought…and yet He wants you to understand that so that He can help you to understand YOURSELF!

So many times, people have tried to stop doing things… “get cleaned up” before they come to talk to God.. and get to know Him. They are told that they must do all these things before God will accept them.. and that is so wrong! God knows you better than you know yourself.. and understands you better than anyone ever will… and can help you to work through anything that you think is a problem.. and in most cases show you that what you are going through has nothing to do with HIM.. but more to do with you listening to what others have told you about HIM.. and taught you to BELIEVE HE WANTS instead of listening directly to HIM for yourself. See most of the time we bring misery and guilt on ourselves by listening to what someone else tells us needs to be “cleaned up” in our lives.. instead of what God said. It’s time that everyone starts talking to God.. and doing what He wants you to do.. and eliminating the other “voices” including your own… until you can hear only that still small voice that loves you and wants to have fellowship with you….the one that knows all about you.. and yet loves you anyway!

Will I get the message that God wants me to hear? What if I miss what God is telling me?
Once again, we have been taught by men that you might not be able to understand what God wants you to do, or you might miss what God is trying to tell you. Impossible! God will not allow that to happen. We see clear evidence of it in HIS WORD!
Here are a few examples to help you see God’s way! We see a man who God had told something directly called Balaam. He wanted to do something, and God told him that he could if the men invited him … but they didn’t come invite him… Balaam went to them.. after God had already told him directly. What happened? Did God give up on him and walk away… No! God allowed Balaam’s jackass to talk to him and get the message through to him. Then we have the account of Moses, who was told at an early age that he would be the deliverer of the children of Israel out of their bondage! God used a burning bush to get his attention, and do you know that after God spoke to Moses in the burning bush that it took Moses 40 years before he did what God told him to do. Did God give up on Moses? Absolutely not… like I mentioned… God knew Moses better than Moses knew himself. Then another account we see, is David, God gave him direction first, and David didn’t do it! What happened? God sent Nathan, his best friend and told him about it! Nathan pointed his finger in David’s face and said, “you’re the man”! You are the one that is not listening to God!

God will get the message through to you! We have seen it happen in so many ways in the bible, and so many different ways today. God is not limited when it comes to getting his message to his children, and yet, we must realize something very, very important! God always talks directly to HIS CHILDREN!

God is a loving Father, and doesn’t tell anyone else what He wants you to know! He tells you directly! Then when you are not listening, or you haven’t realized that God is trying to tell you something… then and only then does he use other methods! Talking animals, burning bushes, friends that you care for, total strangers… and many, many other means! God is very resourceful, and very determined! He wants you to always hear it directly from HIM… but if you aren’t hearing, (to many other things going on around you) or you simply aren’t getting the understanding, then He will use other things to help you, as any loving Father would. Think about it like this….

Your father here on earth loves you and cares for you. He has instructions and things that he wants you to know and understand. So what does He do? Does he come to you and say “my child, I have something to share with you and I want you to know this” or does he go across the street to the neighbor’s house and tell them, then direct them to come and tell you! Absolutely NOT! Your father tells you directly! So you will know and understand, and if you have questions.. you will ask HIM! Not go back across the street to the neighbor, ask them, and have them go ask your father for you. So that you get it straight from HIS MOUTH!

God is no different, and yes, sometimes when you are being hard-headed and not listening.. He will send someone, or something else into your life. Only to let you know that He is trying to remind you of what He has already told you! It is ALWAYS confirmation of what GOD has already said to you… or showed you!

God told Adam in the Garden of Eden not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and yet when Eve told him to eat.. He did. If you will refer to the word of God.. Adam received the curse not entirely by partaking of the tree, but God mentions first that HE LISTENED TO THE VOICE OF ANOTHER! And what happened.. got the whole world in a mess.. AMEN!

God has and always will talk to YOU… and it is up to you to listen.. or you can expect that He will do whatever it takes to get the message through to you.. .including knocking you off your donkey. Remember Paul.. not getting the message from God.. and going right along with something he thought was right… and what happened… got slapped right off his donkey.. and was never again the same… AMEN! God will get the message to you… you just don’t have to be slapped off the donkey to get it… all you have to do is listen!

This message is directly from the heart of God. He wants His creation to realize what He done by sending Jesus to the earth in flesh.. taking away the sin of the world so that His creation would stop believing what men of old had told them.. and continues to tell us today.. and come to HIM.. talk to HIM.. and get to KNOW HIM.. and listen only to HIM. Isaiah says it clearly… “and thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children”… and again “woe to the children, saith the Lord, who take counsel but not of me, who take a cover of covering not of my spirit, and add sin to sin”… Further it is repeated in Luke.. “all men shall be taught of God”… Jesus said to Peter, this is the rock that I will build my church on.. “flesh and blood has not taught you this, but MY FATHER”…

If you want peace, if you want to know God’s will, and to KNOW GOD.. it is simple… talk to HIM! Spend some time with HIM…. listen to HIM and tell HIM everything that is on your MIND… and learn to LISTEN ONLY TO HIM!

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