Water Baptism

Before we address Water Baptism, we remind you that God is the source of all your answers, and you should ask God and follow whatever it is that God directs you! Hear Him, and only the words that proceed from His mouth!

Water Baptism continues to be at the helm of doctrines today, based on the fact that the bible records that Jesus was baptized with water, and that He spoke to Nicodemus that you must be born of water and the Spirit, but I ask you what is the reason that Jesus was baptized?

Some today claim that baptism is the washing away of the sins of a man, but could that be the reason that Jesus was baptized? Did Jesus need to have His sins washed away? Why did Jesus not baptize men? If it was necessary for the remission of sins, why didn’t Jesus, who came to take away the sin of the world, baptize all that came to him? Why was it that some that came to John to be baptized were turn away? Why does the bible not state clearly that all men were baptized? It doesn’t, but why?

Then there are some that claim that it’s just an outward symbol for the inward cleansing that the Holy Spirit of God has done in the life of those that have been “saved”. Why would there need to be an outward symbol for what was an inward cleansing? If Jesus took away the sins of the world, and that was done over 2000 years ago, and the price was paid, then why have to do anything to have our “sins” washed away, or to make an outward symbol for what was done for all of us years before we were born? Wouldn’t that be like saying that each of us individual must fight the World Wars of days gone by to have freedom and the benefits as Americans? Do we have to repeat with great detail all that was done in the past, to have the benefits of them today, I think not. In fact to do so, isn’t that simply denying that it was already done?? Think about it….

Many of us have been water baptized! We were baptized into membership in churches, confirming the teachings of men, and the doctrines of denominations, and for reasons other than those that are mentioned in this article, but I ask you, how is it that if you believe God did what He did through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, that you could consider doing anything more than just simply living your life knowing that it was DONE FOR YOU! What outward symbol are you required to give to others, or in front of others to prove that you’re “saved”, or free from your sins? How can you being submersed in water, and have a man say that he is baptizing you prove to anyone what has been done already, or what you believe was done within you? Wasn’t the blood that flowed down the cross over 2000 years ago enough? What else could water, any water, whether it be in the finest baptismal pools in the grandest of cathedrals, or in the muddy waters of a river, wash away that the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God couldn’t ???

Most of us at some point in life have followed the traditions of men, and what men said that we must do to be “saved” without even bothering for one moment to ask God. We continue to this very moment seeking the doctrines of men, and the traditions of men instead of simply asking the God for whom we claim to serve, and who created us all.

Were there people in the bible that were baptized? Yes, it’s clear. Were they baptized in water? Yes, Absolutely. But I ask you, were not those men already here when Jesus came, and before the cross? Yet not all of them were water baptized either, so why was it that it was only required of some, and not all?

Jesus said, “I come not to call the righteous to repentance, but the sinners”. There were some in HIS day that were righteous and didn’t need to have water wash away their sins, and surely if there were some that were righteous then, and were not baptized, then after all that He did on that cross… surely all are righteous now! But was it part of righteousness? Did the water have any effect on the righteousness of Christ, or of those that were submersed in it?

ASK GOD.. Ask him if there is any need for water, after the blood of HIS SINLESS SON? Ask God if there is any reason for an outward symbol before men of what He done through the work of Jesus Christ? Ask Him, Hear Him, and realize that to take anyone’s word for it other than God, is to deny HIM!!

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