Q: “Do we need preachers, teachers, pastors, evangelists, today?? I’ve heard this many times but I have also read in the pages of the bible that its God that writes on the heart and on the mind of each person himself.. so that they will not need to be taught one of another nor teachings one another about God… so do we need them today?”
A: Denise shares…
First, let me say that we’ve heard a great deal from others about so many things even though when we read the bible for ourselves we see passages as you mentioned that state that one would not need to be taught one of another.. nor teachings one another…. or passages where the bible states if one lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives to all men liberally….
So let’s consider a few points about this question together….
1. One should seek the answer to what one has need of or doesn’t from within oneself. Whatever it is that I share here on the website, or share with you in person… it is always with the encouragement for you to seek the answer from within you… for you to ask God for yourself and trust what is given within you on those points.
2. Yes, you are correct that the bible states that one is not to be taught one of another, nor teaching one another to know the Lord, for all will know him from the least to the greatest, for it will be the Lord that will write upon the heart and on the mind his laws himself. The opening pages of the bible tell us that this was done by God from the beginning…. not only did God create it all, according to the writer, but blessed it and gave it instruction as to what it was to do himself. No writings, no men, women, pastors, preachers, teachers etc in the mix.
3. Next we have Jesus in the pages of the bible that states that His sheep hear His voice and another they will not follow. He outlines much the same as was given to man from man’s beginning in the opening pages of the book of Genesis.. in that man was to know what is given within him… to follow it and be taught by God and only God… and not to hearken to the voice of any other or be fed/partake of the knowledge of good and evil from any other source in the garden.
4. Jesus is also shown to have said that those that have his commandments, and keep them… that He will manifest/reveal himself to them… and that He and the Father will come and make their abode with the one that does so.
5. We have in the writings in the bible record of two or more saying that they heard God identify Jesus as His only begotten Son, in whom He was well pleased, and commanded men to “hear him”. There is no one else in the entire collection of writings that we have in the bible that is identified in this manner by God according to two or more people.
6. We have the writings of two or more in the pages of the bible that share with us what they say Jesus said and taught… or in other words His commandments that He gave to His disciples…. the same ones that Jesus commanded His disciples to go into the nations “teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded ye”. The same one that Jesus said that those that had them and kept them that He would manifest/reveal Himself to, and the Father and He would come and make their abode with.
7. We have those writings … the words of Jesus… the one that God commanded man to “hear him”… that He said that His sheep would hear and another they would not follow…. they are found in most of our bibles written in red, leaping from the pages so as not to be missed or ignored….. and we have the ability to read them for ourselves, if we are drawn to them… as Jesus said.
8. So given that we have billions of bibles …. containing the words of Jesus within their pages…. and the ability to read for ourselves….and Jesus said that all shall be taught by God…that if one lacks wisdom one is to ask God … and that man is to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God…. and that those that have his commandments and keep them He will reveal Himself to them… and make his abode with them…..
One would seriously have to question why it is today that so many say that we need preachers, teachers, pastors, or evangelists …. well unless they don’t know what Jesus said in the pages of the bible…. or they themselves are following another… who has not ever been identified by the mouth of two or more by God to have been His only begotten Son, in whom God was well pleased… and commanded man to “hear Him” and “not follow another”!!
If we didn’t have the words of Jesus… in the pages of the bible…then maybe?
If we didn’t know that Jesus said not to follow the words of any other… then maybe?
If we didn’t know that God said about only Jesus… “hear him”.. then maybe?If the writings in the bible that tell us what Jesus said are not accurate … then maybe?
If we are not able to read them for ourselves to know what Jesus said… then maybe?
If we have heard and learned from God from our beginning… and never hearkened to the voice of another…… then we would not have followed the tradition of Adam… therefore would know NOT to follow another…. and wouldn’t do so … no matter who they are or what they say… right?
Its difficult to have the words of Jesus in the pages of the bible…. have them telling us that Jesus said that My sheep hear my voice and another they will NOT follow… know what happened in the beginning when Adam hearkened to the voice of another and followed another…. and then have people today telling us that we need to hearken to the voice of another such as preachers, teachers, pastors, evangelists… telling us what it is that God said, God knows, or God would have us to do…..
We have a bible and the words of the ONLY one that God is shown in those pages to have said “HEAR HIM” and “His own will hear His voice and another they will not follow”….. to go against them.. reject those very words and follow another… no matter who they are.. or what they try to tell us…. isn’t it??
So let’s look carefully at the picture that is illustrated in the opening pages of the bible…
God created, blessed and spoke to all things giving them instruction themselves.
Lord God created a man from the dust of the ground… told the man formed from the dust of the ground… not to partake of the knowledge of good and evil from another…. the Lord God put another voice in the garden with the man…..the man didn’t keep that commandment.
Others followed in that same tradition… hearkening to the voice of another about what God said or what God wanted done.
God sent prophets to tell the people to stop doing so and turn back to hearing from God and living by whatever God told each.
Then God sent Jesus.
God thundered from heaven this is “my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, hear him”. Never said that about another in those writings…. and Jesus said that He spoke only what the Father gave him to speak.
Jesus said that if one wanted to know if the words he spoke was from God… to do them and find out for oneself. If you love me keep my commandments.
Jesus said My sheep hear my voice and another they will NOT follow…
Another voice is in the collection after Jesus’ words…. in the same collection of writings… put there none the less by the Lord God… as was done in the beginning….the garden in the beginning of Genesis
Yet man’s commandment from God/Jesus was the same.. unchanged… NOT to follow another…. so what is it that one should do today??
Follow another…. hearken to the voice of another… be taught of another…. or not?? Seems pretty evident when we take it all into consideration.. doesn’t it?? ♥