Q&A: Do you receive/take tithes and offerings?

Q. Do you receive/take tithes and offerings?
A. No. Jesus taught that men should follow what they hear from the mouth of God and do as God directed them. Some gave of their substance, some all of their living, but each as God directed them.

The bible also makes clear that whatever was given was given to those who had first themselves forsaken all to be disciplined in their own lives by the teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as what was given to them or brought to them was to be to be used for.

Next, we see from the bible how what was given to the Christ and His disciples was used.  It was NOT used for the building of buildings, the expenses of having buildings and property, nor was it used to provide extravagance to any man or women.

The bible makes it pretty clear that what was received was to be distributed, so that the needs of people were met. That is the instruction of Christ to his followers, those disciplined by His teachings, and we do the same, and encourage you to as well.

For more on this question, see the article on “Tithes and Offerings”!

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