Is Jesus really the Son of God??

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 1204-01
December 26, 2004

Is Jesus really the Son of God?

Does that question seem silly to you? Are you offended to have someone ask you if Jesus really is the Son of God? I have to wonder why? Are we living what we believe regarding that question? Let’s take a look.

Many people tell us and want us to believe that Jesus is the son of God, that in fact He is God incarnate, and that He is the way, the truth and the life, however it is those same people that don’t believe it themselves. See the bible is full of the words of Jesus and the instructions that He gave to His disciples, yet none of those calling themselves Christians today believe any of what He said nor do they do what He instructed. Jesus told the disciples to go into the nations and to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but we get no further than that. We don’t read the rest of those instructions which clearly say that those that are going into all the nations should be “teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded ye”. So, it’s clear to see that there aren’t many people who believe Jesus is really the Son of God, much less God incarnate.

Then to make matters even worse, so many are doing exactly opposite of what Jesus taught in other areas and yet still say they believe He is the son of God. We have just went through a celebration of Christmas which was supposed to be representative of His birth, but what did it accomplish? What did the virgin birth, the mission, the healings and the death, burial and resurrection accomplish? Seems by the actions of those that claim to believe in all of it that it didn’t accomplish anything. The very words of Christ are “written in red” and stand out in the pages of the New Testament only to be ignored and rejected in lieu of the words and instructions of Paul, who was not the only begotten son of God! And before those of you who think so highly of Paul are offended by what I’ve said, you just remember who it is that you’re believing is the Son of God, God incarnate and ask yourself why if all that was really what you believed… why would you care what anyone else other than God and the Son of God said?

People say that Christians are hated and that America has become a nation set against Christianity, but I tell you that it’s not. I can assure you that if people were seeing Christ and the nation of America was filled with those that followed the teachings of Christ there wouldn’t be any doubt in the minds of anyone whether Jesus Christ is really the Son of God or not!! But when the people who claim He is the Son of God do not believe enough in Him and what He taught to follow it and encourage and teach others to do so… then all we have dear friends is the “Anti Christ” and people hating the hypocrisy that it shows!

Surely if Jesus Christ really is the Son of God those that believe in Him would honor Him and His teachings enough to follow them and do all that they instruct. Surely if He is the way, the truth and the life, those that believe that would live their lives in accordance with that… but the sad part of it all is that we’ve just spent millions of dollars, and many, many hours celebrating the birth of a man who most of His followers don’t really believe was the Son of God in the first place, even though they fight for the right to celebrate His birth, and want the world to join them in that celebration but I ask you for what? What is there to celebrate, or to honor in the day that Christ was born when none of those that believe He was the Christ, honor Him or believe in Him enough to do as He instructed?

Jesus Christ taught many things and gave many instructions to his disciples and instructed them to “go into the nations, …teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded ye” and yet there is no one today here that is willing to follow those same commandments…. observe them… and yet want to continue to celebrate the birthday of a man they don’t even believe in enough to follow what HE said!!

Why would the world want to believe in or come to know a man who you yourself do not honor or believe in enough to follow what He said? Go back to your bibles… those of you who believe the bible is the word of God and read for yourself what Jesus Christ taught and said. You will find them written in red in your bible and radiating from the pages! Read them for yourself and realize who it is that those instructions were given to… it was to those that came to follow Him and those that were disciplined by those teachings! Read them for yourselves and then look carefully at what you’re living… is it what Jesus taught His disciples… or is it another gospel… and you’re serving another??

If His words are not enough for those that claim to know him and follow Him to honor… then how it is possible to ask anyone else to honor Him or follow His teachings when His own will not?

Is Jesus Christ really the Son of God??? Obviously, He’s not or millions… countless millions would be following what He taught, and being the example today of the mission He completed 2004 years ago!!

As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be….

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One Response to Is Jesus really the Son of God??

  1. Adira says:

    really informative blog thanks for sharing and keep posting!