What is God’s will for my Life?

What is God’s Will for my Life?

This question is the basis for the quest of many people today. They believe in God, and yet they are trying to find out what the will of God is for their lives? But before we continue, let me ask you this, if you want to know the will of God for your life, who are you asking? God or man?

Most people go to others to help them find the will of God for their lives, without even the first consideration that if they want to know what God’s will is, they should be asking God. Then we find many that are being told that God will not hear them, or answer them, or tell them the will He has for them, so they continue to seek direction from everyone and everything other than God? WHY?

If for those of you that haven’t asked God, but believe that the bible is the word of God, let’s see what the bible says that Jesus gave as the most important commandment of all. In Matthew 22:37-40 we see, “Jesus said unto him, THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND: this is the first and greatest commandment: and the second is like unto it, THOU SHALT LOVE THEY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. On these two commandments hand all the law and the prophets.”

So now with Jesus making that statement as being the “first and greatest commandment”, what is the will of God for your life? Is it that you love God with all your heart, soul and mind, which is your total being! To know God, and to hear Him. To have fellowship with GOD! To understand who God is!

Many today want to know the will of God for their lives thinking that it’s going to be some great and mighty work to be done before men. So that men will know them as being “of God”, and respect them, and follow them as such. Was that the way it was for Jesus, the one who knew the will of God for His life when He came here? Was that the will of God that Jesus did? The will of God for Jesus, is the same as it is for all of us today! Love God with all that you are, put God and HIS WILL first, let nothing influence you away from the will of God, and do that with all that’s in you.

Secondly, we see the commandment going on to say that not only are we to love God with all that we are, but we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves? How many of us are doing that? Most look to define their neighbor only as the members of their own families, their churches, or their social organizations where they are first loved! They limit that commandment to being those that they define as their neighbors and even those that are defined as their neighbors, they don’t love as themselves! It’s so clear to see!

Most of us know the will of God, and have known it for many years! We know it either by what we claim the bible, the word of God dictates, or we know it from what’s inside of us that was put there by God no matter whether we want to believe it or not, but it remains… we know the will of God. Doing it however seems to be the difficult part.

We want to know the will of God and are willing to do it when it goes along with what we want to do. When it’s the way we’d like to have it instead of it being God’s will. We want to do our will, and then demand that God give us the resources for doing our will instead of doing HIS will out of the love that we should have for him, and the knowledge of who He is! After all, He’s God, right!! All powerful, all-knowing, and All present? His will is the perfect will right? Why would you want to do anything more than God’s will?

It’s simple… you know the will of God. If you don’t, and aren’t sure that what you’re hearing here is the will of God for not only your life, but he lives of all creation, then all you have to do is simply ask God! He will be more than glad to share it with you! He will tell you Himself, and also make it crystal clear to you that doing anything other than HIS will only leads to death! Remember, it was satan that started that in the beginning… Adam that followed it… and Jesus who fixed it! Hear God, Ask God, and HEAR HIM!

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