Universal Salvation?

Universal Salvation

This is the topic of major debate today among many. There are some that would say that there is no “universal” salvation that only those that do something or say some words, or other means of “works” are the only ones that will receive salvation, or have. Yet when we look at the words of Jesus, we see that He makes clear that “all flesh shall see the salvation of the Lord”. (Luke 3:6). I am not here to use the bible to try to justify either side of the debate, but only to point out some clear contradictions that would cause any “thinking” person to consider them and to ask God!

First we have to consider that if the Messiah was the prophesied means by which all men would be “saved”… meaning the receiver of salvation… then one only has to look to the definition of the word Messiah, as well as the prophesies of the bible to see what was said about the Messiah. The Old Testament pictures the Messiah as one who will put an end to sin and war and usher in “universal” righteousness and through His death will make vicarious atonement for the salvation of sinful men. If the Messiah was to bring an end to sin, and to usher in universal righteousness.. how is it possible that a Messiah with the power to usher in universal righteousness wouldn’t be bringing universal salvation? What is the result of salvation, but righteousness? What is the results of vicarious atonement for sinful men?

Then we have to examine the belief that Jesus Christ was the sacrificial lamb of God that when John the Baptist seen him approaching, declared with confidence, “behold, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world”! So if John knew and proclaimed that Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God that “taketh” away the sins of the world, why was it not universal? How can anyone declare that He took away the sins of the world, but omitted some? How could that be? How could it be that God would sent his perfect sinless son to die a horrible death on the cross, resurrect him from the dead, and then leave the world in the same sinful state that it was before Jesus? If He didn’t, and He took away the sins of the world, and as the definition and picture the Old Testament gives for the Messiah is that he put an end to sin, how could He have done that for only a few?

Yes, it’s clear even with the words of the bible that not all had sinned. We’ve addressed that topic in other articles, but it’s clear. Jesus said, I come not to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners! The prophetic words were that He would come but for the lost sheep of Israel… to redeem His people from their sins! There were righteous men and women alive at the time the Messiah came, and many that were here before He came, and those remained. Those that were not, that had followed the traditions of men, and the teachings of men against the will of God, and had not heard God, and become stiff-necked and rebellious, those were the ones that were the “sinners” that Jesus came to bring the message of salvation! Did that message miss someone?

We have to then take a look at the cross. Some believe that the blood that flowed down the cross was the covering for the sins of mankind, yet how did that blood only flow to one side.. or one part of the ground that lay beneath it? How is it possible that the life of Christ would have been paid, spent for a world so lost, and not cover all?

Now let’s take a closer look at those of you that have claimed this “salvation” for yourself, knowing that God is no respecter of any man’s person. How is it that God has done this for you, that it was a free gift of God’s grace to you, but He would exclude someone else? How can God be God if He’s not able to redeem all that He created? Surely if you believe that God created all men in His image, some how changed them all into sinners, surely you can believe with all that Christ did, that God made us all righteous by what was done then? How could it be possible for you, and not the rest of all mankind?

God has not omitted or excluded anyone. It’s simply the teachings of men and the traditions of men that have exalted themselves over others and made claims that God never has made. God’s promise to Abraham was not to be the Father of one nation, but that he would be the Father of many nations, and those nations are still to this day being born. The gift of God is without repentance! God concluded all in “unbelief” (not sin) to have mercy on all! Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound, so if God’s grace did much more abound then, surely it has even to today, and no one was missed, omitted, or excluded!

The gospel, (good news) remains the same. God has not changed! He created perfection, maintained perfection, and sustains perfection. Even in the face of men’s thinking of sin, shame and guilt, God made a way to never see us in that fashion, even if we insist on seeing others as “unsaved”. But it’s time to realize that if we see anyone as “unsaved”, omitted, excluded, or in any way other than in God’s universal salvation, then we have to include ourselves in that same vision! If you have the faith to believe it’s done for you, why not have the faith of God for all mankind?

The bible records, “all will know me from the least to the greatest”, “it is not my will that any should perish”, “all flesh shall see the salvation of the Lord”.. and with many other verses, it’s clear to see that God has and will always have HIS WILL.. and none will perish… all will know HIM.. and all flesh has seen the salvation of the Lord, whether they believe it or not, God knows what He has done…. and if you have any further questions about it… ASK HIM!!

Ask God who it was that He has omitted, excluded, or simply missed! Ask Him how it was that He included you, and forgot someone else.. and if He did.. why did He send Jesus to only do a partial job!! The Messiah ushered in universal righteousness, and if you’re going to accept that Jesus was the Messiah, then aren’t you going to have to also accept that He brought Universal Salvation for all… for to end sin and destroy the works of the devil makes us all righteous, and as result universal salvation came to all! It’s a condition of your birth! It was done for you before you arrived here! It remains for those that will come after you as well! For God is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Ask God!

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