Is it possible to be Lost?

Is it possible to be Lost?

We’ve heard for years that we are all lost and undone without Christ, but is that possible. If we are able to be “lost” then we have to look at the attributes of the God that we claim to be able to be lost from. If God is the All Knowing, creator of all things then how is it possible for anyone to ever be lost from an All knowing Creator of all things?

Is it possible that God can create all things, know all things,and yet allow what He created and knows all about to be “lost”? No, it is not possible. It is only the teachings of men and the doctrinal dogma that has convinced us that we,or our loved ones, or for that matter anyone can be “lost” from God. It is time for everyone whether you believe God is real or not to take a serious look at what has been and is being taught today about God. It is when we stop listening to all the mandates and explanations from men and their traditional teachings and look at what God should be and what power a being called God must have to be God that we quickly see the difference in what we’ve been taught and what must be logical if there is a God. If there is a God, an Almighty Being that can create the entire universe, that can mandate the continuation of it all now for millions of years, then surely one can not reduce this God to a being that is able to “lose” what He has created and some how allow that creation to become separated from Him. If separation from God is possible, then God isn’t all-knowing and all-powerful. If there is anything that any of us can do that will cause God to separate Himself from us, then we have power beyond the capacity of God, therefore He’s not all-powerful. If what you or I believe or don’t believe can alter the very will and power of God, then He’s not God. We can’t have a God that is totally in control of all things, that has created all things, and yet have this same God be rendered powerless by the simple belief of one of those that He created. It’s a slap in the face of an Almighty God to believe such things, much less to go about to try to convince someone else that this Almighty Being that can create all things, loves the world, is so powerless that He is subject to the simple beliefs of those that He created, and that if we don’t believe, or serve Him, or know Him, that it would change who He is… or what He has done.. and continues to do. The simple truth in all of it is that we’ve put aside the very attributes of the Almighty Being, and followed what others have taught us about Him, and therefore in following another god, have reduced the Almighty to being a powerless, unknowing being that is subject to the dictates of what He created, instead of the Almighty Divine Sovereign being that He is.

So you decide for yourself. Think about what you know about God. What have you come to understand that makes a being God? What are the attributes of God? How did you come to know these things about God? List them if you need to, then step back and take a look at what you believe about God, and then ask yourself with what you know about the Almighty, is it possible for anyone or anything to be lost? The mere thoughts of the possibilities of that would signify that God isn’t really the Almighty Being that so many of us say that He is…nor is He all-powerful, all knowing, nor the creator of all things, who controls all things, and always has.

I am sure at this point in this article that there are some of you are thinking that what I am saying here is a contradiction to what God has said, but I ask you only to consider this. Is it?? Is what you’ve come to believe about people being “lost” come from the mouth of God to you, or it is simply been the words and teachings of others that you’ve listened to? If we are all honest with ourselves, we soon realize that most of what we believe and stand on… isn’t what we’ve heard from the mouth of God, it’s been what we have been taught by men and women, read in the bible, and the traditions of doctrines passed down through generations… “traditions”… instead of what God has said, or simply the application of the attributes of an Almighty Being against the teachings and beliefs of men. It is not difficult to realize when you apply the attributes that would make a being the Almighty to quickly see that what we’ve been hearing and taught for years, surely isn’t in line with the attributes of the Almighty, or any other being that would be for a moment considered powerful enough to have created all things, controls all things, and knows all things. Anything short of those attributes surely wouldn’t be a “god” in any form or fashion.

Realize today, that the Almighty God hasn’t lost anyone… nor would He ever.Those that are in your family and circle of friends that appear to you to be the furthest from God are really not! There is no way possible for them, or you to ever be lost from an All Knowing, Almighty God who is in control of all things, and there never was a way for that to be possible. It is not them that claims to know an Almighty Creator of all things, that is powerless and subject to the beliefs of that which He create. So the unbelief is not with those that appear to you to be “lost”… the unbelief dear friend is with you. It is you that has accepted the teachings of men that would have us to believe that the Almighty Creator of all things can lose, or allow something to be lost from Him and His control even for a second…. and by our own acceptance of the teachings of men over the very attributes of what we claim to know about GOD has reduced the Almighty to nothing. It is time for those that are going to believe in God, to believe in Him as GOD… not as some powerless being who has no control over anything or anyone, who is subject to the beliefs of that which He is supposed to have created, and just sits off somewhere in the heavens waiting on us to decide what He can or cannot do. Is that any GOD? No… and if God is God, then there is no way possible for anyone or anything to be lost from Him!! Nor will there ever be… Nothing can separate anyone from the Almighty God, creator of all things…. or He simply isn’t God!!

ASK GOD! Hear what He has to say on the subject!!

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