Is God Real?

Is God Real?

This question has been the basis for so much debate and hatred in our society that one would have to wonder about it. This is not to side with either in the debate of whether God is real or not, nor is it to take any position on the matter other than to call people as individuals to think about it.. and to see how ridiculous a debate about it really is.

Let’s take a look for a moment at some simple facts and see where it leads us. If a person believes that there is a God and He is real… what proof can he give to another person that would be so convincing that upon hearing it, the person would believe it and accept it as “truth”? If a person does not believe there is a God.. or that God is real, what proof can that person give to another that upon hearing it they would immediately without hesitation cause them to believe God is not real? The answer is simple.. there is none!

The question is asked many times to challenging anothers “belief” (which is simply that, a “belief”) or as a means of making it appear that someone has some how “cornered the market” on some “proof” that no one else has. Yet when you ask a person with such a “belief” to supply you with that “proof”, you soon realize that it’s not “proof” that they offer you, it is merely their “belief” based on their own experience or understanding. In either case, the “proof” really isn’t “proof” (unquestionable evidence) but merely one’s “belief” based on their own experience or understanding.

The fact remains that there is no proof to either side of the debate, that could be offered in either case! There is nothing that any human can offer another, that upon hearing it, would cause a person to immediately, without hesitation or question, willing to accept it as “proof”!

The question then is.. Why bother to try? Seeing that for generations now there hasn’t been any way for any human being to supply “proof” on either side of the debate, it would seem that after all this time someone would realize that it’s impossible to do and would stop trying. Yet wonder why the debate continues on?

Those that believe God is real want everyone to believe as they do! That He’s a Supreme Being, in control of all things and has created all things. Yet those that make that claim, seem to refute the idea that an Almighty God would be able give “proof” of Himself to what He created and is in full control of. That God, in either case it is only God that can give “proof” that upon receiving it… they would immediately without question or hesitation believe.

Then we have those that don’t believe God is real and want others to see their side and offer their “proof”, yet in both there is still no “proof”. Both sides of the debate continue on in their futile attempts to sway others to their way of thinking, without giving any thought to the fact that there really isn’t any “proof” for either side and to debate the issue is to only show how “unthinking” all really are. When that’s the one thing that is so lacking in our society today. Thinking!

If more people would simply “think” about it, look at all of history and their own experiences they would see that in their own minds they wouldn’t accept what someone else told them, so why would they expect someone they told to believe them? Think about it! We all know that we don’t simply believe because someone tells us… so why would we expect anyone else to??

For those that believe in God, trust Him. The bible says that “all will know Him from the least to the greatest” so that takes care of everyone.. and for those that don’t believe in God… trust that there is no God, and that whatever it is that has been the catalyst for the entire creation, that it will come to be known to all as well! After all, neither side is going to believe with the simple proof that people can offer, or they already would have after all this time of debating!! Come on, people.. think… !!!

The fact that there is no proof either way, then makes you wonder why anyone would try to manufacture or make something seem to be “proof” in the first place. For in doing so really is ridiculous! So then if there is no “proof” to be offered on either side of the debate, then why not leave it to either God to make it known to the person… or to “nature” or some other force that it’s not? Isn’t that the best position in all of this to begin with?

Leave each person to his own … knowing that if God is real, He’s fully capable of making Himself known to them.. and if He isn’t real, to likewise make that known…. but in either case… the proof remains beyond the capacity of human beings and it’s time for those on both sides, and those that have chosen not to take sides to realize this!

In closing, ask yourself this question.. (regardless of the side of the debate you are on).. “what proof can any human being supply to you that would be enough for you to accept without question or hesitation the opposite of the position you have right now?” You’ll see for yourself there is none.. and if you should by some slim chance decide to take the mere word of another for any “proof” then you have to realize that the “proof” you have accepted is just the mere words of another and really doesn’t constitute “proof” only your willingness to believe what someone without proof has told you and that your “thinking” has become obsolete!!

Think about it…

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