God Doesn’t See Things as Men do!

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 1103-03
November 19, 2003

God Doesn’t See Things as Men do!

Well another week is upon us and a lot is being seen! We are seeing God be God and we’re going to take a closer look at a couple of things this week that God would have us to be reminded of.

First, God is God! He is a Just God! He is the Creator of all things, and He is in control of all things! He does not see things or perceive them as we do. He is God! He doesn’t see things as being “right or wrong”, “good or evil” for He is God and nothing is beyond HIS control, HIS authority, or HIS will! He has a perfect will, and that is not based on what any of us thinks, accepts, or agrees with! He’s God!

It is when we, despite the very example of Christ, partake of the knowledge of good and evil and judge yourselves and those around us, that we are actually judging the Almighty God that creates all things and controls all things! How can we look at the death of a child and see that it’s a “bad” thing, without saying that the giver and taker of life, God Almighty is bad! How can we look at anything that an Almighty God has done or controls and consider it anything other than just, the perfect will of an Almighty God and still claim to believe that God is God!

Most people have an understanding of God only based on the teachings and traditions of men. Even though as some will say, never attended church, the influences of the traditions of men are everywhere. We hear how God knows the plans that He has for us, to prosper us and give us good health. That God will give us the desires of our hearts, and that it is His will that we have prosperity, power and wealth! That anything we ask God, in Jesus’ name He will do for us! Are those the words of the bible? Yes! Are they for you and I? No! Those words were spoken to people before our time! It is time for us to hear God’s word for each of us and to know God’s will and the part we have been created for that will accomplish the will of God today! I can assure you that some of the “parts” that God has for some are not going to be considered by “good” even though to God they are! Let me give you an example of this, so you can see what God is trying to show us today!

Judas Iscariot! Most of you will quickly say that this man was horrible. He sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and later took his own life! That what he did was so bad that he didn’t deserve to live, but I ask you this, “where would we be if Judas had not done his part”? Would the prophecy that we find in the other books of the bible been fulfilled? Would God have men say that there would be one that would sell Christ for those thirty pieces of silver and then not have it happen and make himself a liar? What if Jesus wasn’t sold out? Would there have been a cross, and a resurrection? Would there have been a “redemptive work”? Now I ask you, would you have rather had Judas not do the will of God? Surely not! Did it make Judas elated over the job that God gave him? No! We see that clearly! Judas hung himself rather than face the rejection of the people. However we also see God, the giver and taker of life allow that because Judas had done God’s will, and Judas’ part in the fulfillment of the prophesies of God was complete. It was the catalyst for the cross, resurrection and redemption! But I’m sure that until now, most of you haven’t taken a moment to consider any of this!

So now, is what we see as good or evil important? No! God doesn’t and neither should we that believe HE is God! If He is the creator of all things, and nothing that has it’s being, is not created by him, then all things are GOD! If He controls all things then how can any event be “good or evil”? Why can we not just see it for what it is! The perfect will of an Almighty God which created all things, controls all things, and who is Just no matter how we perceive what He does!

With all that is happening in our nation today, I encourage you to see from the eyes of an Almighty God, creator of all things, and not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that resulted in the death of Adam and Eve who was the first partaker of such judgement! For to see anything separate and apart from an Almighty God is to have no God at all!


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