Is the Will of God being done in the earth??

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 1103-04
November 27, 2003

Is the Will of God being Done in the Earth?

Is the Will of God being done in the earth today? As we come to the end of another week, this question is what many are thinking about. There are many things that people seem to think is beyond the power and control of the Almighty God. Because of so many teachings and traditions that have reduced God to being less than the Almighty, Supreme Being that He is, many have come to believe that the will of God is not being done in the earth today. I ask you, how is that possible? How is it that an Almighty God, who created all things, and who is in full control of all things could miss anything that’s happening in the world today, or not be the very hand guiding it and purposing it all? For us to see anything separate or apart from God, is to not see God as the Almighty Supreme being that He is!

Some would ask, how is it that with people being killed, and diseases rampant that God would allow such things, but we are reminded by the words of the bible that it was God that sent the flood, and it was God that cursed people and land and did so to accomplish His will! It’s like saying that we would somehow rather not had the flood, than have God have His will? But how would that be possible, for without that flood, the will of God wouldn’t have been done then and God wouldn’t have been really God!

So now with that in mind, let’s look at a couple of things. We all say that we want the will of God done in all the earth, and even if we don’t think it’s currently being done now, why is that? How does a person know the will of God? Some say it’s found in the pages of the bible, yet that’s not what the bible reflects as the way others before us knew the will of God. Some say it’s the words of the bible together with the words of a pastor, teacher, preacher, etc. But again, that is not the example that the bible gives us. So how is it that we are to know the will of God? Simple. We are to ask God and Hear Him! Those that profess to believe in God will quickly say that they want to do the will of God, but how is that possible without hearing God’s plan for today? How is it that we can know the will of God by hearing what the will of God was for the people of the bible? How can we claim to be doing the will of God in the earth today and no one is talking to God, asking God for His wisdom and understanding, and trusting God that His plan is the perfect one?

Then some say, well if God is God, and He is going to have His will in the earth no matter what, then why would I care what His will is or what my part is in that will? Great question! So to answer, let’s consider this, if you really believe that God is God, the Almighty Creator of all things, and that His will and plan is perfect, what sense would it make not to ask Him and know what His will is, and your part in it unless of course you really don’t believe He’s God? See it makes no sense at all to claim to believe God is God, that He is the Almighty, creator of all things, and in control of all things, and that He is going to have His will done in the earth no matter what, and then not bother to ask Him about it and your part in it to see it happen. Right? It is so easy to say that something is the will of God based on what others have told you, the bible records as His will before our time, or to echo what someone else has told you is the will of God… but the fact remains that until you ask God, and hear Him, how will you ever be sure that you’re doing the will of God? Why say you believe He is God, the Almighty, with the perfect plan for all of mankind, and not bother to ask Him about it and allow Him to share it with you and the role you were created for in the master plan? It’s time for all to ask, “are we doing the will of God… or trying to fight against God to have our own will done”? The reflection of your life will let you see clearly which it is… for if the fight is against God to have your will, you will see the reflection of YOU! If you are doing the will of God, no matter what, then the reflection your life casts will be that of God.. and whether anyone else recognizes it or not, you will. For you will see God, and know that it’s HIS will that is perfect, and that most of all, that you know that and believe it! AMEN!!

A person ask me once, “well God is going to do whatever God wants to do isn’t He”? I responded, sure He is, but if you really believe that, then why are you asking Him for things in prayer? There was no response … for in the very question was the answer, God is going to do whatever God wants to do, He’s God, but the point is that when we don’t acknowledge that in our lives, and fail to ask God His will each and every day, then we are only reducing God to being no God at all in our own lives, and the world has seen enough of that!! How can anyone say they are doing the will of God without first hearing God, and asking God His will for today!!


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