The “Reconciliation Ministry”

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 308-01
March 26, 2004

The “Reconciliation” Ministry!

It has been a while since we’ve updated the Newsletter, however it has not been because there is nothing going on. Quite the contrary has been the case. We have been meeting and discussing with many about the Reconciliation Ministry of God. What is that you might ask? It’s the ministry that supports the reconciliation of mankind to God.

Most ministries would say as we did once that it’s the objective of all ministries to reconcile mankind to God, and to have people realize what one must do to be reconciled, but it that possible? If there is anything that any of us have to do to be reconciled to God then there isn’t any way possible that God is God, much less that Jesus Christ came to “reconcile mankind unto God”. Then we have the issue that if Jesus didn’t accomplish that, then what was the reason to have sent him and have him go through what He did?? Was He the Messiah, or not? The question is not posed to those that don’t believe in Christ, or the redemptive work of God through Christ, but I am posing the question to those that are “believers”. That believe He was, and that He did the will of God!

We have to realize that for us to believe that Christ was the Messiah, then it is US that have to realize, that despite what we see and hear that God has in fact through Jesus Christ reconciled mankind unto Himself, or Christ wasn’t the Messiah, nor was He the son of God! If WE are going to claim to believe that the redemptive work of God in Christ was done 2004 years ago, then it is going to be up to us to live that, and to change our traditions and teachings to support that, instead of continuing to support the traditions and teachings to the contrary.

You might ask what teachings and traditions to the contrary is there? That is simple! The tradition and teachings that support or proclaim that mankind still needs reconciliation to God, that mankind still has the possibility of being eternally separated from God, and therefore must do and live a certain way to obtain that “reconciliation”. Either it was done in Christ, or it wasn’t… and it’s up to those of US that say that it has been done… to believe it and live accordingly. Let me give you a couple of examples of things to consider:

If a person is here on the earth today, then they are reconciled to God. They are covered by what Jesus did 2004 years ago whether they believe it or not, or whether they accept it or not. A person’s belief or acceptance has no power to change what God has done, in Christ, or God simply isn’t God. So to tell a person that they are separated from God by some action or unbelief is for you yourself to deny what you claim God did. It’s not the unbeliever that’s really the unbeliever… it’s the one claiming to believe what God has done, and yet doesn’t believe it themselves.

If we believe that God would allow a man to sin in the first place, and would send Christ to be the “price for sin” once and for all, then how is it that any of US could tell a person today, some 2004 years after what WE claim to believe about CHRIST, that they are some how able to go to hell and avoid the payment that the ALMIGHTY GOD gave for sin once and for all! See once again, it’s saying we believe God did something…and then telling others information to the contrary that makes us the UNBELIEVERS… not others.

Some of you might at this point be having a bit of difficulty understanding this and might even be saying it’s not possible that this has happened because I look around and see things going on to the contrary! So for those of you that are in that position, (I was myself at one time) let me ask you this, if you can believe God is the Almighty, that He is not a liar, that He has done what He said He has done, does it depend on you seeing it before you’re going to believe it… or could it be possible that when you “believe” it…and live as you claim to believe that then you will begin to see it?

We are so determined to tell people they need Jesus…God..and that they must believe…to avoid hell, and the consequences of their actions…but I have to ask you this…. why are WE the ones that aren’t believing what WE say that God did… and the redemptive work of CHRIST??

God either reconciled mankind unto Himself through the redemptive work of Christ, or He didn’t? If He didn’t, then the entire mission and life of Christ was a worthless cause, and God and His word is a lie! If that is the case, then there is no reason for anyone to know Jesus, or God in the first place. If this is so difficulty for the “believers” to get a hold of and believe… then how is it that we’d call anyone else a ‘unbeliever” without first realized that the reflection we see in them is just our own being mirrored back to us!

I challenge each of you that believe… to believe. To realize that God is not contingent on what His creation believes or doesn’t… He’s God..and if He said it was done…then it was and nothing including unbelief will change it!! It is time for those that say WE BELIEVE that He did what He said He did to believe it, and live accordingly, or count ourselves among the numbers of UNBELIEVERS!!

Ask God, Hear Him, and Know Him!!

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