Why do we do the things we do?

“Come Reason”
Newsletter of Denise Smith
Volume no. 104-2
January 8, 2004

Why do we do the things we do?

This week brings us yet another time to “come reason” on things that are happening today. We’ve heard this week that a professed man of God has declared that God told him that President Bush will win the election in 2004, but isn’t it the bible that says that the governing authorities are established by God? So does that mean that if the democrats win the election that God has stepped out of the picture and really doesn’t control all things? Or what if an Independent should win the election…not God again? Now what happens if those that believe this man is a man of God and has heard from God runs out to vote for Bush thinking they are doing the “will of God” to put Bush back into office, and not bother to even ask God about voting, much less who to vote for? Sure is something to think about isn’t it? How can either party be outside the power of God or the will of God??

Have you ever thought about why God allows men to do the things that He does? How about the preacher preaching the funeral of a member of his church telling the “lost” members of the family that they will never see their deceased family member if they don’t profess Christ as their Lord and repent from their sins? Would that likewise mean that if the person that died is someone you hope you never see again that you shouldn’t ever profess Christ so that you will not ever see them again? Or what about the one that died without making that important profession in Christ, does that same minister stand in front of the bereaved family and say “take a last look, this guy is gone to hell, and since you made a profession in Christ you’ll never see him again”? Then still yet, how does the preacher preaching that funeral have any guarantee of either situation enough to stand and make such statements? If God is the judge of every man’s heart…. how can anyone really be sure of where they are going or not going until God himself says so?? Sure gives us a lot to think about with just a couple of things that has been said this week.

So with that said, let’s take a look at a couple of things…first…what if there is no heaven, no hell, no seeing family that has gone on before you, no pearly gates, nothing in the here after at all, does that mean that we wouldn’t or shouldn’t serve God? Have you ever thought about the real reason that you are or decided to do what others told you that God wants you to do or expects you to do? See we see so many people and talk to many that have said that their motivation for “accepting Christ” and “trying to live right” came from the fear of being sent to hell, missing heaven, or simply not getting to see who they loved that has died? We see and hear time and time again the same “fear factor” coming out of those that want to “introduce other to Christ”… and saying that “Jesus loves them”… but will send you to hell if you don’t do this or that? So what is the real motivation in “serving God”… “professing Christ”…or any of those other “terms of endearment” that we hold so sacred in defining ourselves. Should we not just simply call ourselves “greed mongers”… “self-centered” and “reward oriented society”? Isn’t that the real reason that many have made their “profession of Christ”…to get out of debt, to get their situation changed, to get to go to heaven, to get some reward for the things that they have done, to escape some judgement day and wrath of a God that is supposed to have loved us enough to send a Son to redeem us even in our sin??? Come on.. it’s time to think about this and see why there are very few, that when given a chance to really think about it… would be honest in saying that their motivation for “serving God’, “accepting Christ” was based either on fear or some type of “self” reward. Why not simply love God and do whatever He asks you without any thought of price or reward? Isn’t that what the book of Isaiah said about the coming Messiah, that He would do what God said.. “without price or reward”. Isn’t that the true sense of love!! After all, do you love others, and do things for them so that they will do something for you in return, so that they will take care of you, or benefit you… or do you simply love them and want to put what makes them happy ahead of yourself?

Why can’t we see that to even consider the “benefits”, “blessings” or what might be after this life, and use it as a basis for deciding whether to do what God has said, is saying or will say is simply to not LOVE GOD? Can we honestly say that we would still love God, hear His voice and do His will if there was absolutely nothing in it for us… no one else to tell about it… or no one else to “win” to God…. no reward … no heaven…and certainly no hell?? It sure is something to think about!!

Have a wonderful week, and remember in all things, HEAR HIM!! ASK HIM!! KNOW HIM!!

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