The Bible..Is it all God has said?

We hear that the bible is the infallible word of the Living God. That it contains the word of God and the answers to all the questions that you’ll have in life, but the thing that we’re going to address here is to help you see how this could not be possible.. and why. We direct you to ask God. Ask Him if what you read here is His Word, and what HE would like to share about it.. and HEAR HIM!

First, if we are going to believe in God, as the Almighty, Supreme Being, that has no beginning and no ending, we have to also believe that He’s had the ability to speak since He was! That there wasn’t a time that God, the Almighty, Supreme Being was “silenced” or would He be God?

Then you have to look at the bible. The words of the bible begin with the penning of Moses, in the first five books of the bible… but I ask you, if God was GOD before that time, and was able to talk, why was it that He didn’t have anyone write down what He said to them before Moses? Why are there not words that Adam penned, or Abraham, or others? Why would God have to wait until Moses was born, called, and delivered the children out of Israel before telling him to pen the words and actions of God since the “beginning”? One has to think about it and ask God!

Then we have to consider that if God never had a beginning, and has no ending, and is not limited in any form or fashion by man, then how is it that He has stopped speaking once the bible as we know it today was published? Why was it that some of the writings of men that were preserved from those times were not included in the bible? How is it that we know that there are book of the bible written by men and women mentioned in the bible that were excluded from the canonized book? Why if they were also the words of God, inspired by God, were they excluded?

Now if God is eternal, and we believe that He is, then why isn’t the bible representative of an eternal God. As the bible records, that not all of the works or words of Jesus are recorded, nor could they be. So if in the short span of time that Jesus was on the earth, the books could not contain all that He did and said, surely it is incomprehensible to believe that all the Eternal Almighty God has said and done would be? All one has to do is to simply take a step back from the teachings and traditions of men to see that the bible is not the total words of an Almighty, Supreme and Eternal God. They readily record that they do not contain all the works or the words of His only begotten Son, and for those that claim to know Him and believe He’s an Eternal God, to accept without any question or counsel from God directly, is to deny the very attributes of the God they claim He is!

It only takes a brief look at the bible to see that it was the words of God, through inspired men of God to a rebellious nation that refused to hear God directly. They refused to HEAR HIM, much as so many do today, and yes, He instructed men to record that and He has preserved those words unto this day for us to see that. To see that the words were to a rebellious nation.. to a people who rejected the voice of God only to hear the voice of others, and therefore bring destruction on them and those that would follow after then, in those same traditions.

It only takes a brief look at the history of the English bible to see that even though yes, the word of God, to some of the people throughout history have been included, that it was by the motivation and agenda of men that it was compiled and published in the form that it was in 1611, and subsequently been changed, and re-translated many times since then. It’s clear to see the finger prints of men all over it….

Yet, in all of this, there is still the provision of God to those that know Him. It was stated by HIM to many before us and will resound through the hearts of men for all of eternity, and it is simply this… HEAR HIM! Not Read about Him, but Hear Him!!

Ask Him! Don’t let a graven image become an idol and replace the Almighty, Supreme Being, the All Knowing, All Powerful! Don’t limit God to a bible of 66 books which clearly states within itself that it’s a “limited edition”! That it does not and cannot, nor will it ever be a written record of all the words of God, or the works of the Son of God, or the sons to follow! Hear Him.. and know HIM!!

So in closing, I’ll address a question that was put to me a while back, someone asked me, “if you don’t believe that the bible is the word of God, then why do you quote it?” First of all, I don’t quote the bible, do I refer to the verses that are in it yes. Why? It’s simple… God said that most of you that claim to know Him have allowed the bible to be your God, and that the only way you’ll even consider hearing what it is that your ‘god’ is saying is to see it within the graven image that you have made your ‘god’. So that’s the reason that there is references to what is contained in the bible… so that you can hear what your “god” is saying… especially since you’re rejecting HEARING GOD directly as so many other of the rebellious children have done in the records of the bible!! HEAR HIM.. and KNOW HIS VOICE… A book about Him never will be Him, even though yes, it does contain the words that He’s spoke to others. But it doesn’t contain the words that He is speaking to you today, and never will!! So HEAR HIM!!

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