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- “Out of Context” Reading of the Bible…
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Tag Archives: Bible
“Out of Context” Reading of the Bible…
I’ve heard many times in discussions regarding the bible statements like this one… “Out of context scripture can mean nothing- just like the word ” foundation” so many meanings only within context it is clear; You play on words….it’s pathetic … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, From the Beginning, God, Jesus, Reconciliation to God, Unity
Tagged Bible, Context, God, Scholars, theologians
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We have to have the Bible and other writings…Don’t we?
Q: Don’t we have to have the bible and other religions writings for us to know how we’re to live and what the various religious teachings and practices are?? Can anything else teach us these things?? A: Denise shares…. Can’t … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, FAQ, From the Beginning, God, Kingdom of God, Knowing, Unity
Tagged . unity, Bible, religions, writings
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Is the Bible the Word of God???
Have you ever thought about where it is that we get the idea that the bible is the word of God? Can you for a moment think about to the time that you first heard that the bible is the … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, Faith, God
Tagged Bible, christianity, word of God
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As it was from the beginning…. Part Two
Moving on from Part One…(Click Here to read Part One!) In Genesis chapter 2 we see that God records there is no man to till the ground….so Genesis 2:7: And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christianity, From the Beginning, God, Jesus
Tagged Adam, Bible, Genesis, God
As it was from the beginning…. Part One
As it was from the beginning, revealing what had been hidden from before the foundation of the world, it wasn’t so from the beginning…. are all passages that we’ve often quoted, read or heard and yet have we missed some … Continue reading
“The Leaven of the Pharisees”
Regarding the passage where Jesus warns of the “leaven of the Pharisees”.. many seem to see this as Jesus saying that one is not to keep the “laws” of God…. that under “grace” one doesn’t keep the “laws”…and yet is … Continue reading
The “Red Letter Edition” of the Bible…
Many have read and seen a “Red Letter Edition” of the bible where the words of Jesus are “written in red”, however do you know any information as to how this edition of the bible came about? Here is a … Continue reading
Discussion on taking the bible as it is written…. (Multiply Site 2-6-2011)
Discussion on taking the bible as it is written….. Feb 6, ’11 8:41 AM for everyone Recently at the site of a friend, (thank you Doc) a discussion on the topic of Faith was started. Several of us were discussing … Continue reading
Tithes & Offerings
First off, let me start this section by asking the question, aren’t we tired of arguing over things that have been debated for years? It would seem that by now, more people would be asking God, the Almighty, about these … Continue reading
Where are the “Christians”?
That question has been radiating in my mind now for weeks. God told me that there is a lost element in Christianity and it’s the Christian. What does that mean? Simple. Like so many other things in our culture and … Continue reading