Believe God!

Believe God!

Mark 16:17-18, says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”… but is that happening?

The key to “these signs” is so obvious… “them that believe”! That’s the very first element for these signs to follow.. We must believe! Not believe in God, but BELIEVE GOD! If you’re going to claim that the bible is the word of God, and that it applies to everyone today, then should it not be happening as the bible says?

For the most part, Christians today believe IN GOD but they don’t BELIEVE GOD. There is a definite difference. What is the difference?

To believe IN GOD means that you believe there is a God and that God exists, but to BELIEVE GOD you must trust GOD and obey GOD and KNOW GOD! (Have a personal and intimate relationship with Him!). How can you believe anyone that you don’t know? How can you take the word of someone, or something even an Almighty God, and yet not know HIM? How can you believe that He will do all that He said He would do, that you are all He said you are and therefore entitled to all He said you could have through Christ Jesus, if you don’t KNOW HIM?

Have you ever looked up the definition of the word “believe”… take a look at what the word means. Webster’s New World Collegiate Dictionary gives the following definition. 1) to take as true, real, etc. 2) to have confidence in a statement or promise of another person. 3) to have trust or confidence in as being true, real, good. etc. It is clear with even what Webster defines “believe” as that many simply don’t!

Do you take the word of God as true, real? Do you have confidence in the statements of God and promises of God? Do you have trust or confidence in God as being true, real, good, etc? Think about this for a minute… Mark 16: 17-18 says these signs follow them that believe. Are these signs following you?

Mark doesn’t say that they might follow you, it says these signs follow that believe! If the word of God is really the word of God, and it’s true and trustworthy, then these are the signs that will follow you if you truly believe. Not believe IN GOD but BELIEVE GOD. So do you BELIEVE GOD or believe IN GOD?

The question then is, who is it that Jesus spoke these words to, who is it that He gave the power over unclean spirits to in the first place? Was it EVERYONE? Absolutely not. It was the disciples, those men that had left all they had to come follow Him, to follow what He taught them, and who were told to believe based on knowing God… not the teachings of flesh and blood! Did these signs follow them?

Now is the time for all of us to take a deeper look into our relationship with God. Do we believe God?

Are the signs of a believer following you? If not, Hear God… refer to your bible, which you claim is the word of God… which reads… James 1: 5-8 ” If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in ALL his ways.”

If you waver, there is no trust. If you don’t have trust, then you don’t believe, and if you don’t believe, you cannot be saved. It is that simple! How can you take the word of the Almighty God, that you are “saved” and yet not take the word of God on so many other aspects of the bible that you say is also God’s word? It’s clear… most people believe in God, but do not believe God!

Look around you, one man, Jesus Christ, the firstborn among man brethren, came, called unto Himself a small group of men who became disciplined to be taught of God, not of flesh and blood, and what was the result? Demons gone, sickness gone, none suffering lack, having all things common….and much, much more.. so ask yourself these questions.. “With so many ready to claim that they believe in God, and know God, the bible saying these are the signs that shall follow those that believe, why is there still sickness and diseases, and why are people not recovering?” Why is it that the church and the Christians of the church still dealing with the demons, and the head demon, Satan?” The answer is simple… NO ONE is BELIEVING GOD! They worship with their lips but their heart is far from Him!!

ASK GOD.. HEAR HIM! Did God lie, or are these the signs that follow those that believe? Are those that claim to believe really believers??

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