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- The “collective responsibility to build the church”… whose responsibility is it??
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- My Sheep Hear My voice and they follow me…..
- Perception is reality… or is it?
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- Do most really believe that Adam’s sin changed the nature of human beings???
- Christianity says…… Adam’s sin???
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- Bernardina on It Is the Doing that is difficult… not the knowing..
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Category Archives: Other
Perception is reality… or is it?
I read a comment this morning that stated “perception is reality” and immediately within me I heard.. “be ye not deceived”. When we examine this carefully, and the words of Jesus in the pages of the bible.. we can see … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Compassion, Faith, Jesus, Other, Unity
Tagged Jesus, perception, Peter, reality, truth
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If there is only one God, why are there so many religions?
This is an excellent question to consider …. however when we reflect on everything that surrounds us, that provides to us abundant evidence of life and living we can see quickly that there is no other species that determines for … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, From the Beginning, God, Other
Tagged God, religions
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Who assigns the values to what we hear, read and see???
A question was asked in a group that I participate in about can we grow and learn from “positive” “constructive criticism”… which reminded me of something that I learned a long time ago by asking and analyzing the question below: … Continue reading
Picture Questions..
Okay…. I’ve had several people ask me about the picture that I am sharing here on the website, showing the tree lined road, with a person walking alone down it, only able to be seen as a shadow, so let … Continue reading
I’ve been enjoying discussions across various social networks over the years about 11:11 and also about 33. This article is one of the better ones that I’ve read about this so I’d like to share it with those of you … Continue reading
How is it that words wound and hurt us???
This week in a discussion group on Linked In, a member posted a blog titled “Being Gay isn’t Natural-Is it true?” along with a video of a gay man involved in doing “The Work” of discovering what is true and … Continue reading
Posted in Compassion, From the Beginning, Knowing, Other
Tagged believe, hearkening, stones, words
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Facebook Group- Written N Red
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve also started a group on Facebook called Written N Red, if you’re a member of Facebook already and would like to participate in the group. Written N Red Group on Facebook Click … Continue reading
What I’m saying might not be what you’re hearing… why?
One of the most amazing thing to me to have seen through this journey of mine is how often it is that what I’m saying and meaning is not what is being heard…. and why. I never considered early on … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, Faith, Knowing, Other
Tagged distinctions, God, hearing, meanings, perceptions, words
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Discussion on taking the bible as it is written…. (Multiply Site 2-6-2011)
Discussion on taking the bible as it is written….. Feb 6, ’11 8:41 AM for everyone Recently at the site of a friend, (thank you Doc) a discussion on the topic of Faith was started. Several of us were discussing … Continue reading