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- The “collective responsibility to build the church”… whose responsibility is it??
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- My Sheep Hear My voice and they follow me…..
- Perception is reality… or is it?
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- Do most really believe that Adam’s sin changed the nature of human beings???
- Christianity says…… Adam’s sin???
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- Disciple of Christ?? | "The Journey Through Christianity to Christ" on What is a Disciple? Biblical Perspective
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Author Archives: Denise
The Attributes of God… ??
Q: Blind followers says he is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, what is meaning of this.?? A: Denise shares….. This is an excellent point for consideration though isn’t it? You state that “blind followers say”.. but isn’t it the very writings that … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Christianity, FAQ, From the Beginning, God, Kingdom of God, Unity
Tagged beliefs, faq, God
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Response to Prayer request for God to send a righteous leader …..
Today there was an article that was posted on a well known website that I was sent a copy of that was asking people to pray for God to send righteous leaders to lead us today… where the author quoted … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, Jesus
Tagged christian, christianity, prayer
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We have to have the Bible and other writings…Don’t we?
Q: Don’t we have to have the bible and other religions writings for us to know how we’re to live and what the various religious teachings and practices are?? Can anything else teach us these things?? A: Denise shares…. Can’t … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, FAQ, From the Beginning, God, Kingdom of God, Knowing, Unity
Tagged . unity, Bible, religions, writings
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What are we speaking about when we speak about “beliefs”?
Q: When we share with each other the various points regarding our “beliefs” no matter what religion they are associated with….. what is it that we are really talking about? A: Denise shared….. Isn’t the point to consider in all … Continue reading
Posted in Compassion, FAQ, From the Beginning, God, Knowing, Unity
Tagged beliefs, religions, truth, unity
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Different Religions.. yet how can we live in harmony?
This question was asked in a discussion group… Q: I can understand that people from different countries and cultures may have different inclinations. Therefore, different religions may have been sent to them. If people following these different religions lived in … Continue reading
If there is only one God, why are there so many religions?
This is an excellent question to consider …. however when we reflect on everything that surrounds us, that provides to us abundant evidence of life and living we can see quickly that there is no other species that determines for … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, Christian, Christianity, From the Beginning, God, Other
Tagged God, religions
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If I know God, then why do I fear or lack courage??
Q: “If I know God, then why do I fear or lack courage…? Am I knowing Higher God and living a Lower Life…? Is it a faulty Belief…? With Religion prevailing all over why one does not live for a … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Compassion, From the Beginning, God, Kingdom of God, Unity
Tagged courage, Fear, God, Lack
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Discussions, Questions, Considerations…. what are they to you??
For me, and maybe only me, discussions are exchanges between people including questions to be considered regarding statements that are made, thoughts that are shared, or simply the exchange of one’s own personal experiences of living with another. I don’t … Continue reading
Posted in Christian, Compassion, FAQ, From the Beginning, God, Unity
Tagged answers, discussions, faq
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Who assigns the values to what we hear, read and see???
A question was asked in a group that I participate in about can we grow and learn from “positive” “constructive criticism”… which reminded me of something that I learned a long time ago by asking and analyzing the question below: … Continue reading
Picture Questions..
Okay…. I’ve had several people ask me about the picture that I am sharing here on the website, showing the tree lined road, with a person walking alone down it, only able to be seen as a shadow, so let … Continue reading